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Plans for a new UTC Library are a go, again.  That is, for the past few weeks it’s been a half go.

On June 12, 2009, the  Chattanooga Times Free Press reported that the Hamilton County commissioners “…unanimously voted for a resolution urging local legislators to support the $47.5 million UTC needs for a new library.”   Legislators were hoping that federal stimulus money would free up state money to pay for the project even though the project had already been allocated the money over two years ago.  Since the ground has not even been broken to start the library, the money was used elsewhere.

In a UTC news release dated June 19, 2009, its stated,  “the faculty, staff, and student assistants at the Lupton Library envision the new Library as the academic and intellectual center of campus, a marketplace of ideas.”  Operations that will call the new library home include the Writing Center, Student Success Center, Walker Teaching Resource Center, and the Graduate Student Association.

Construction of the new library building is scheduled to begin in July 2010 with a completion date after January 1, 2012.