Book Review: The Bitter Side of Sweet by Tara Sullivan

Tara Sullivan’s latest young adult novel, set in the Ivory Coast, follows Young Amadou and his brother Seydou as they work on a cacao farm. The boys are forced laborers. Each day they work the fields never knowing if they will return home or survive the day. Another young character enters the picture giving them hope. Maybe they can get out after all.

“I’ve been trying to take care of Seydou in little ways for years, and clearly, today showed that it’s not enough. Now it’s time to take care of him in a big way. Because when I really think about it, Khadija was right all along. Living here is nothing more than killing Seydou slowly.”

Sullivan’s lyrical prose deftly illustrates the horrible images these children endure. Amadou is a compelling character. Sullivan uses the young man’s thoughts to vividly reflect his world. His perspective engulfs the reader in this strange and scary world. A compelling read detailing the horrors of the chocolate trade.

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